What does a great production response for The Kite Runner look like?

A great response for The Kite Runner will include many aspects. These will be:

  • Character voice, think about how educated they are, in the book did they speak differently? Did they use a lot of colloquialisms and slang? Think about the emotion you are conveying behind that voice, and how their tone of voice would be in that case.
  • Your writing style, think about what person it will be written in. What are you writing, for example, if you are writing a diary entry you can be informal. However if you were a letter you would have to considerably more formal, unless the character does not tend to write formal. Also think about how they would address others.
  • You’ve acknowledged the novel,  when writing your piece make sure to consider that it will coincide with the novel and not go off on a tangent. Also that it’s not completely made up and make it based on or around actual events in the novel. Try to refer to many parts of the novel even, this can make the piece seem more realistic.

One thought on “What does a great production response for The Kite Runner look like?

  1. Hi Charlotte, this is a great piece of work where you clearly answer the question set for you.
    How did you inform your writing? What did you look at?

    Could you make reference to more specifics? Certain characters in certain situations? This kind of approach would be useful in your exam…


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